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UN Consultancy – UNICEF Uganda Resource Mobilization Strategy – United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Organisation: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda
About US:
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is mandated by the UN general assembly to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.
Background and Purpose
UNICEF Uganda Country Office (UCO) has an approved Country Programme budget of US$ 290 M for the period 2021-2025). This includes $193.8 M as a fund-raising target for the country office up to 2025. Post COVID19 pandemic UNICEF Uganda was able to raise a steady stream of funding. However, the socio-economic impact of the pandemic coupled with recent large-scale emergencies, like the Gaza, Ukraine and Afghanistan conflict crisis, 2023 earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the Horn of Africa drought and the significant global cholera outbreaks have overstretched the traditional Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding from developed countries who have still not fully recovered from the socio-economic downturn post COVID19 pandemic. This has changed the nature of public sector financing to developing countries, including Uganda. As such the Uganda Country Programme witnessed a significant reduction in public sector financing and, by the end of 2022, had mobilized less than half of the required funding in support of the current country programme. It is imperative that the office revisits the existing resource mobilization strategy and approaches to align with the current global, regional and country level socio economic context and aid landscape, develops an accelerated operational plan and necessary documents and tools to implement the plan and generate predictable, flexible and multi-year resources for the current country programme, humanitarian appeals as well as guiding resource mobilization documents for the new country
Job Summary: UNICEF Uganda Resource Mobilization (RM) strategy in support of its five-year (2021-2025) country programme of cooperation which was developed based on the funding landscape and programming context prior to the above socio-economic shifts. However, there was no work plan to concretely operationalize the strategy. In 2023, the country office also completed the mid-term review of its five-year country programme. It is, therefore, imperative that the RM strategy is updated after an in-depth analysis of the current aid environment, resource partners mapping/scoping exercise, desk review of existing key documentation and lessons learned based on the implementation of the current resource mobilization strategy. Additionally, a clear multi-year action plan must be developed for a more proactive and accelerated resource mobilization approach focusing on diversification of resource partnerships both public and private sectors. The scope of work also encompasses revisiting the private sector engagement strategy, advocacy and communication strategy and related action plans to ensure that these align and complement the RM strategy and action plan to enable the country office to generate predictable, flexible, and multi-year resources to achieve the planned results for the most vulnerable children and adolescents in Uganda under the current country programme and humanitarian response plans.
Review and update the situation of donor landscape environment regional and for Uganda (both public and private resource partners) including international financial institutions, local, regional, and global private sector partners, and national committees. The situation analysis should identify joint fundraising opportunities within the UN country team and propose viable engagement strategies; innovative financing approaches and fundraising methods tailored to the Ugandan context based on the SWOT analysis of UNICEF Uganda’s current resource mobilization practices.
Review and update UNICEF Uganda Resource Mobilisation (RM) Strategy 2021-2025 and develop a SMART multi-year Action Plan (AP) for the period 2024 – 2025.
Draft the guiding resource mobilization document and related documentation in support of the UNICEF Uganda new country programme (2025 – 2029) development process.
Additional documents and products to support engagement with resource partners.
Guiding resource mobilization documentation for the new CPD (Country Program Document) development process
Under the strategic guidance of the UNICEF Representative, Deputy Representative (Programmes) and Chief Communication, Advocacy, Resource Mobilization and Partnerships and direct supervision of the Resource Mobilization Manager/Specialist and in close collaboration with the Country Management Team. The consultancy assignment will undertake the following key tasks:
Situation analysis of resource partners/donor landscape environment in Uganda
A comprehensive resource partners scoping and review exercise, based on the desk review of existing documentation and financial information and key informant interviews with UNICEF senior staff in Uganda, ESARO (Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office) and HQ and key resource partners, focusing on public, private sector partners, IFIs, One UN partnerships and national committees.
The findings of the review/assessment exercise will be documented as a situation report with clear recommendations to inform updating the UCO’s RM Strategy, multi-year RM work plan and donor profiles.
For all public and private sector partnerships, the consultancy (in the donor profiles) should propose key entry points and viable strategies for UNICEF’s engagement. While reviewing partners’ portfolios, specific attention should be placed on identifying opportunities for raising flexible (un-earmarked) resources and/or opportunities for innovative financing.
Public Partnerships
UNICEF Uganda currently partners with 18 public sector donors and benefits from six pooled global funds. There are declining funding trends in public sector contributions post the macro factors mentioned in the above section. It is, therefore, imperative to update the public resource partners scoping exercise conducted for the current CPD cycle in 2019. The focus should be:
A comprehensive review of donor financial flows (global and regional funding to UNICEF; major ODA partners in Uganda beyond UNICEF; Uganda funding trend analysis (covering the period of this and previous CPD cycles) identifying the key thematic areas which are income generating and underfunded areas of work.
Review the latest donor strategies, highlight donor priorities for funding and identify potential areas of partnerships aligned with UNICEF current and emerging priorities in Uganda post mid-term review of the current CPD, including funding to cross-cutting priorities such as human right, gender, disability, and climate change.
Identify and review major donors that invest in regional development programmes (more than one country and not necessarily in Uganda) and develop a strategic approach to systematically highlight and include Uganda in such opportunities with support from the UNICEF East and South Africa Regional Office for (ESARO).
Private sector partnerships
As part of advancing UNICEF’s Child Rights and Business (CRB) agenda through implementation of the Business for Results (B4R) framework, UNICEF Uganda Private Sector Engagement (PSE) collaborate effort reached out to 19 business entities and associations. UCO maintains a high engagement level with six of them leading to tangible outcome and support to UNICEF Uganda programmes both financial, in-kind including technical expertise. Initial engagement was done with eleven business entities which can be built further.
Update the private sector landscape analysis and the PSE strategic approach and work plan along with resource partners profiles based on the scoping/mapping and ranking exercise, of various potential private sector engagement opportunities focusing on:
Key sectors of engagement (based on business products), geographical focus, total workforce, and financial investment/interest in the country.
Overall mission, vision, and corporate strategy in the country.
Summary of the business model used (incl. outreach to customers)
Corporate Social Responsibility strategy highlighting the key CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) areas of investment and size of investments.
Identify opportunities and entry points for UNICEF engagement.
Partnerships with International Financing Institutions (IFIs)
UNICEF Uganda collaborates quite closely with the World Bank (WB) in Uganda and to lesser extend with International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, this collaboration is around coordination without clear joint plans and investments in social programmes in Uganda.
The situation analysis should review potential IFIs engagement opportunities and develop the strategic approach and clear plan for engagement with IFIs, focusing on:
IFIs key strategies for Uganda, including current country programmes.
IFIs investment portfolio in Uganda (per sector and area of investment, including size of financing)
Financing modalities (loans, grants, or mixed models), also identifying under which modality is the strongest potential for partnership.
Potential areas of partnership and collaboration between IFIs and UNICEF CPD priorities.
In addition to the WB and IMF portfolio, the consultancy should review/assess a broader scope of IFIs, including Africa Development Bank (AfDB), European Investment Bank (EIB), European Bank for reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and other potential financial institutions investing in the development of Uganda.
Renewed partnerships with UNICEF National Committees
UNICEF operates in 33 high-income countries through National Committees. These are an integral part of UNICEF’s global organization and a unique feature of UNICEF. Each established as an independent local non-governmental organization, works to raise funds from the private sector, promote children’s rights and secure worldwide visibility for children threatened by poverty, disasters, armed conflict, abuse, and exploitation. UNICEF also performs structured private sector fundraising and partnerships in 37 countries globally through our country offices. Private sector fundraising is a viable means for a country to generate additional Other Resources (OR) for the Country Programme, especially in middle-income countries where ODA may be scarce. PFP (Private Fundraising and Partnerships) provides guidance to countries on PSFR (Private Sector Fundraising).
In the current CPD cycle 2021-2025, UNICEF Uganda received US$ 37 M from 12 national committees. While substantial as investment, UNICEF Uganda does not have a clear plan and identified pathways for a more regular and systematic strategic engagement with the national committees.
The consultancy services will review opportunities for strengthened interaction with the national committees focusing on:
Analysis of current funding streams with trends and opportunities for expansion and diversification.
Based on the above, update the strategic approach and develop an engagement plan for UNICEF Uganda.
One UN partnerships
Within this country cycle UNICEF Uganda has stepped up collaboration efforts with other UN agencies in joint resource mobilisation. Some US$ 45 M are available in this country’s programme cycle from joint UN resource mobilisation efforts. Although a positive result, such collaboration is often donor driven. A systematic proactive approach is important to strengthen resource mobilization efforts within the UN country team.
The consultancy services will review opportunities for strengthened interaction with UN agencies in Uganda specifically looking at:
Analysis of Country Programme Documents or Country Strategic Notes and other strategic documents of the UN agencies operating in Uganda (as per the list below), in reviewing key areas of engagement (thematic and geographies), key donors to the agency and estimated financial portfolio for Uganda.
Based on the above, identify key opportunities and engagement plan for UNICEF Uganda.
Specific focus of the assessment will be the following UN agencies: UNFPA, UN Women, ILO, UNDP, FAO, WFP, UNHCR and WHO.
Revise/update the resource mobilization strategy and develop multi-year detailed action plan (2024-2025)
Based on the findings of the scoping and review exercise and the recommendations of the situation report:
Update the current RM strategy highlighting the main components of the strategy including major shifts, key pillars, strategic approaches, and channels, including recommending innovative approaches and fundraising methods tailored to the Ugandan context (max 15 pages).
SMART multi-year action plan operationalizing the RM strategy, clearly outlining the activities, annual targets, and timelines for implementation along with milestones that can be tracked/monitored regularly.
Brief paper: projection scenarios for the new CPD cycle.
Resource mobilization products and tools
Based on the funding gap analysis the current programming cycle, identify key underfunded areas of work, and develop the following additional documentation to support resource mobilization:
Programme area specific RM approaches, concept papers and presentations that can support proactive donor engagement aligned to donor priorities emerging from the donor scoping exercise.
Comprehensive investment cases, for key thematic priorities for the Uganda Office, to engage with donors for multi-year flexible funding.
Additional documentation related to resource mobilization approaches for the new CPD development process as per the global guidance.
Major Tasks and Deliverables:
Inception phase
An inception report which provides the following:
Describes the methodology for completion of the full contract and all deliverables.
Lists all literature required for Desk Review, indicating gaps and how to address them.
Presents a chronogram for key milestones in the process, including review/approval processes and inputs from UCO (max 10 pages)
Period: 5 days after contract award
Payment schedule – 5%
Situation analysis of the donor landscape environment (public, private, IFI (International Financial Institutions),national committees, and UN partnerships
Desk review and interviews
Situation report (table of content agreed
during the inception phase)
Update existing profiles and develop new
donor profiles (number to be agreed in the
inception phase)
Period: 25 days to be completed by end of June.
Payment schedule – 25%
Revise the RM strategy and develop three years detailed Action Plan
Update current strategy and produce a 15-page strategy document.
SMART action plan for the period 2024-2025
Brief paper: projection scenarios for the new country programme cycle
Period: 25 days to be completed by end of 15th July 2024
Payment schedule – 25%
Funding gaps analysis and develop generic concept papers
Funding gap analysis
Update/develop concept notes with power point presentations (based on underfunded areas of work. Number to be agreed during inception phase)
Investment cases (on key thematic areas, for example climate change, refugee transition etc. Number and themes to be agreed in inception phase)
Period: 25 days to be completed by end of July 2024
Payment schedule – 25%
Additional resource mobilization documentation to support new CPD development process
As agreed in inception phase
Period: 25 days to be completed by end of August 2024.
Payment schedule – 20%
Qualifications, Skills and Experience: To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…
- Advanced university degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Communication, International Relations, or related field. A combination of a first degree and relevant work experience may be accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree.
- 10 years of progressively professional work experience in one or more of the following areas: public administration, programme management, resource mobilization, external relations, or other relevant areas.
- Proven experience in developing fundraising strategies and plans, preferably for the UN organization, non-profit sector, or development field.
- Demonstrated expertise in engaging traditional donors, IFIs, private sector entities, and UNICEF National Committees.
- Knowledge and understanding of the Uganda/East Africa fundraising landscape and the socio-economic context.
- Demonstrated experience in developing technical documents on a broad range of subjects relating to UNICEF’s bilateral partnerships with the public sector, as well as UNICEF’s programmatic engagement with private sector (including business respect & support to child rights, advocacy with business, deployment of technology.
- Demonstrated ability to formulate new and innovative financing approaches.
- Strong analytical skills and ability to conduct research and extended data analysis.
- Excellent communication and report writing skills. Proficiency in both written and spoken English is mandatory.
- Ability to work remotely and independently to deliver high-quality results within strict timelines.
NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
How to Apply:
All suitably qualified and interested applicants who wish to join United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) should apply online at the link below
Deadline: 4th June 2024
For more of the latest jobs, please visit or find us on our facebook page
Date Posted | 2024-05-30T01:45 |
Valid Through | 2024-06-05T00:00 |
Employment Type | CONTRACTOR |
Hiring Organization | UNICEF Uganda |
Job Location | Kampala, Kampala, Kampala , 0256, Uganda |
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