Consultancy – TOR for Mid-Term Evaluation of the ACTV Strategic Plan (2021 – 2025) – African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (ACTV)

Consultancy Title:   Terms Of Reference for Consultancy: Mid-Term Evaluation of the ACTV Strategic Plan (2021 – 2025)

Organisation: African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (ACTV)

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda


Background and Summary:    

The African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (ACTV) is a Non-Governmental Organization established in 1993 that advocates against torture and provides holistic treatment and rehabilitation to survivors of torture, SGBV and other forms of violence in Uganda and the Great Lakes Region.


ACTV has been implementing a five-year Strategic plan that has been running since 2021 and will end in 2025. The strategic plan has a vision to achieve a World Free from Torture and a Mission to advocate against torture, gender based violence and other forms and provide holistic care to survivors. The strategic plan is hinged on 6 strategic pillars i.e. Holistic Treatment and Rehabilitation, Advocacy for Torture Prevention, Research and Documentation, Livelihood Support, Legal Aid and Enhance Institutional Sustainability, and this guides the strategic intervention for the organisation. After 2 and half years of implementation of the strategic plan, ACTV has embarked on a midterm evaluation of this Strategic plan which is a tool for the organization that is contributing towards her vision of a World Free of Torture.


In this regard, ACTV is seeking the services of a highly professional and experienced consultant to undertake the assignment of carrying out a midterm review for her 2021 – 2023 Strategic plan and the strategies therein to assess its effectiveness, relevancy, progress made towards achieving the set objectives, challenges faced and best practices.


Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of the assignment is to conduct a midterm evaluation of ACTV’s 2021 – 2025 Strategic plan.  It is further intended to identify factors and constraints affecting the implementation of the plan, including technical, managerial, organizational, institutional and socio-economic policy issues and other external factors unforeseen during the Strategic plan design. In particular, the evaluation will further assess how effectively ACTV is governed and managed; and whether the governance and management structure of ACTV is appropriate to ensure an effective, transparent and accountable implementation of activities.


 Specific objectives

  • To assess the extent to which ACTV is achieving its set objectives as per the 2021-2023 strategic plan.
  • To evaluate the responsiveness of ACTV’s 2021-2023 Strategic plan to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders and beneficiaries in its contribution towards the elimination of torture in Uganda.
  • Draft Strategies on how the organization can be able to achieve its set strategic objectives in order to consolidate the organization’s strengths.


Evaluation of the 2021 -2025 Strategic Plan

The evaluation of the Strategic plan should focus on relevance, effectiveness, impact, efficiency and sustainability.

  • Determine whether the Strategic plan goals, objectives and activities are relevant to the survivors of torture and towards reducing torture GBV and other forms of violence.
  •  Are the set of activities sufficient? To what extent are the different categories of activities complementing each other?
  • Examine whether the Strategic plan responds to the beneficiaries’ real needs.
  • Assess the validity of the Strategic plan approach and strategies and their potential to replicate.
  • Assess whether the problems/challenges and needs that gave rise to the Strategic plan still exist or have changed
  • Determine whether the Strategic plan targeted the right group of beneficiaries
  • What unexpected results may the Strategic plan lead to?
  • Assess the extent to which the ACTV strategy is alligned with the SDGs and the NDPIII
  • Assess the extent to which ACTV is achieving its intended objectives.
  • Review the implementation of ACTV objectives and the achievement of outputs  as specified in the Strategic plan
  • Identify positive as well as negative external factors which are substantially impacting on the level of achievement of results.
  • Assess the degree to which  ACTV has made progress toward its intended outcomes
  • Have there been any unintended outcomes, either positive or negative?
  • Assess whether fundraised resources are being  utilized to implement the activities as developed in the strategic plan and whether there is  value for money
  • Analyze the performance of the Monitoring and Evaluation mechanism of the Strategic plan and the use of various Monitoring and  Evaluation tools
  • Assess the effectiveness of ACTV’s Sustainability strategy at the government, stakeholders and beneficiary level.
  • Assess the mechanisms ACTV has put in place to sustain the key outcomes of the strategic plan.
  • Assess how ACTV has worked with partners/structures to increase their capacity in a sustainable way.
  • What are the risks facing the sustainability of the strategic plan goals and outcomes?


After an initial document review, the consultant will develop a work plan to guide the assignment. The use of participatory processes to facilitate critical reflection by ACTV staff members and stakeholders is expected. As such, the consultant will be expected to provide for active and meaningful engagement of ACTV staff members, board members and other relevant stakeholders.


ACTV Responsibilities:

  • ACTV will develop the consolidated terms of reference
  • ACTV will avail the Consultant with the list of targeted stakeholders to be contacted.
  • ACTV will avail all the necessary literature relevant to the assignment.
  • The consultant will work closely with the Board, Management and Staff as well as other stakeholders involved in the fight against torture


Consultant’s Tasks:

  1. Review of relevant literature including but not limited to: the past ACTV Strategic Plans and the current Strategic Plan (2021-2025); Evaluation Reports of ACTV; ACTV Annual Reports; ACTV Annual Work Plans and Budgets; ACTV base line survey reports; UHRC Annual Reports, development partners plans and civil society plans and activities available;
  2. Conduct a series of meetings with selected Members of the Board , Management and staff of ACTV to gain an understanding of emerging  issues, challenges and solutions;
  3. Carry out key stakeholder consultations involving field visits and interviews with identified stakeholder groups.
  4. Re-assess the external context and the internal situation context as well as progress of ACTV’s existing programs.
  5. Compilation, presentation and discussion of the findings from the midterm  evaluation
  6. Develop a final report of the findings of the midterm review evaluation.


The consultant is expected to provide the following deliverables: 

  1. Work plan schedule clearly showing how the assignment will be carried out with clear timelines for conducting the Midterm  evaluation of the strategic plan
  2. Budget and appropriate assessment framework
  3. Inception Report clearly highlighting how the Midterm evaluation of the Strategic plan will be conducted for discussion with ACTV Board and Management.
  4. A Midterm Evaluation report of the ACTV Strategic Plan (2021-2021) with clear findings and recommendations.
  5. Well thought out strategies on how ACTV can able achieve her set Objectives in the strategic Plan and revise the implementation plan accordingly.


Please Note: Deliverables are subject to amendment based on consultation outcomes.

Duration: The consultant is expected to complete the assignment within 45 working days after being contracted.


Qualifications and experience


  • Advanced university degree in Human Rights, Development Studies, Management Studies, Organization Development, and any other related fields.
  • Minimum of 10 years experience in evaluations, organizational development, strategic planning, Programming, Project Planning and Management, or any other related field.
  • Substantial knowledge of current human rights issues and familiarity with program monitoring and evaluation methodologies.
  • Proof of Knowledge in such consultancies
  • Ability to work collaboratively with multiple individuals and groups.
  • Excellent communication, facilitation, synthesis and organization skills.


Submission of application

Along with their CV interested candidates should submit:

A technical proposal explaining, their comprehension of the, ToR, and how they would approach this assignment, summarising, the methodologies, and approaches they, plan to use, including a timeline.

  • Two samples of similar previous assignments
  • Their availability
  • A financial proposal outlining their expected fees and costs


Interested candidates/firms should submit a technical and financial proposal and two samples of similar previous assignments. Applications should be, submitted to or


Deadline: 22nd  September 2023


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Date Posted 2023-09-14
Valid Through 2023-09-22
Employment Type CONTRACTOR
Hiring Organization African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (ACTV)
Job Location Kampala, Kampala, Kampala, 0256, Uganda