Resilience and Livelihoods Officer NGO Jobs – Shared Action Africa

Job Title:   Resilience and  Livelihoods Officer   

Organisation: Shared Action Africa

Duty Station:  Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Isingiro District, Uganda

Reports to: Programs Director

NB: Please include salary expectation in application


About US:

Shared Action Africa targets refugee populations and host communities under its integrated family planning project implemented in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Isingiro District in Uganda. The settlement hosts over 140,000 Refuges from Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, and South Sudan. The project aims at improving access to modern short-term, long-term and permanent family planning methods for and men of reproductive age in Nakivale refugee settlement and host communities in Isingiro district in Uganda. To achieve its objectives, the project will collaborate with, peer agencies, health facilities and community-based organizations that provide complementary services (financial and energy) to improve access family planning and cervical cancer screening services by refugee populations and host communities in Nakivale and Oruchinga Refugee Settlements.


About Program:

Shared Action Africa is implementing a Livelihoods Development and Resilience building program in Nakivale and Oruchinga refugee settlements targeting primarily refugee women and girls. The program’s village-level support activities include setting-up and developing the capacities of community-based organizations (VSLAS), providing capital assistance for livelihoods, providing livelihoods and vocational skills development, and constructing small community infrastructure. The Program also includes support VSLAs to engage in market-based livelihoods, innovations, business development and entrepreneurship. The program also supports to the women and girl regarding assets creation, strengthening their resilience, and climate change adaptation.  Increasingly, Shared Action Africa provides policy support to livelihoods and community development and poverty alleviation in the refugee settlements through stronger participation in policy forums and policy actions, support to capacity-development and knowledge-management. These activities aim to reduce disparities and vulnerabilities and increase interaction, networks, and dialogue in and between groups, to strengthen social cohesion at the community level. Additionally, the Shared Action Africa carries interventions aimed at strengthening the capacities of stakeholders at the local level for mainstreaming social cohesion and peacebuilding.


Summary of Key Functions:

  • Support strategic positioning, development, and implementation of the livelihood and resilience components of the program.
  • Strengthen the institutional offer development as well as livelihoods and capacities of women and girls in the refugee settlements.
  • Build the resilience and adaptation to climate change of women headed households exposed to climate hazards and extreme natural events.
  • Support Shared Action Africa’s contribution to policy action on livelihoods, community development, resilience building, and poverty alleviation.
  • Support communication and knowledge management.


Key Duties and Responsibilities:

Support the implementation of the livelihood and Resilience components of the program focusing on the achievement of the following results (40%):

  • Ensure the implementation of the livelihoods and resilience component of the program against annual work-plan, targets, time-plans, and result indicators.
  • Work in consultation with the Programs Director and M&E Officer to develop internal monitoring and operational plans that help program implementation.
  • Monitor field-based implementation of program activities.
  • Monitor program implementation of partners (contractors, consultants, grantees) in accordance with agreements, work-plans, deliverables, and timelines.
  • Ensure timely and quality progress and financial reporting.
  • Provide inputs and feedback to reporting.
  • Ensure systematic documentation and filing.
  • Monitor ongoing projects and highlight potential risks to program delivery.

Support strategic positioning and development of the livelihood and resilience components of the program focusing on achievement of the following results (25%):

  • Support the development of livelihood and resilience related components of SAAs integrated development programs thorough assessment, design, and stakeholder consultation.
  • Oversee the implementation of SAA’s livelihood and resilience related components of SAA’s integrated development program.
  • Collect information and analyze information on context for livelihoods.
  • Identify opportunities for developing SAA’s profile in livelihoods and resilience and recommend actions to make use of these opportunities.
  • Develop new livelihood initiatives that are in line with the program strategy for using livelihoods to strengthen social cohesion.
  • Draft, or provide technical inputs and feedback to concept papers and proposals.
  • Maintain regular interaction with national and local stakeholders with the objective collecting information on ongoing and planned activities.

Support SAA’s contribution to policy action on livelihoods, community development, resilience building, and poverty alleviation focusing on achievement of the following results (25%):

  • Regularly liaise with relevant government institutions, UN agencies, INGOs, NGOs and CSOs to understand ongoing policy initiatives and identify SAA’s potential role and contribution to policy initiatives.
  • Support the development of initiatives and partnerships that facilitate knowledge-management on livelihoods, poverty alleviation and particularly, their linkages with social cohesion and peacebuilding.
  • Undertake capacity-development of partners and stakeholders.
  • Represent SAA and the program in coordination and policy forums.

Ensuring facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing focusing on achievement of the following results (10%):

  • Organize and facilitate training, information-sharing and knowledge-sharing events for fellow SAA personnel and partners as the thematic expert on livelihoods and Resilient building;
  • Formulate case-studies and communication materials.

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Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • Education: Degree in development studies, Agriculture, Economics, Social sciences, or related field.
  • At least five years of relevant experience in the design, implementation and management of livelihood recovery and resilience building programs.
  • Experience in post-conflict and early recovery contexts.
  • Experience building and maintaining partnerships with Government, other development partners and the private sector.
  • Language Requirements: Written and oral fluency in English.


Core Competencies:

  • Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity.
  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment.
  • Self-development, initiative-taking.
  • Acting as a team player and facilitating teamwork.
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively.
  • Creating synergies through self-control.
  • Managing conflict.
  • Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member.
  • Informed and transparent decision making.


How to Apply:

If you feel you meet the requirements for this position, send your updated CV with email and telephone contact of three profession referees and application letter quoting Title of the position as the subject to the Director of Finance and Operations, Shared Action Africa. Email:


NB: The interested candidate must indicate expected remuneration level (Salary expectation). Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Deadline: 11th May 2023


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