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Consultancy Jobs – TOR For Livestock Management Practices In Uganda Consultant – AgriTechTalk Africa (ATTA)
Consultancy Title: Terms Of Reference For Livestock Management Practices In Uganda Consultant
Organisation: AgriTechTalk Africa (ATTA)
Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda
About US:
AgriTechTalk Africa (ATTA) is a Ugandan registered Non-Governmental Organization. ATTA provides technical assistance to agricultural and natural resources development programmes and projects, implemented by NGOs; community-based organisations (CBOs); international agencies (e.g. UN bodies); farmer cooperatives or government institutions.
About the SIRGE Project:
Strengthen an Innovative System for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Environmental Impacts of the Nascent Beef Industry in Uganda in Support of Rural Sustainable Transformation (SIRGE)
ATTA with funding from European Union (EU) under the leadership of ACTED, is implementing the above 3-year project, whose objective is to contribute to the climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in Uganda. Specifically, the SIRGE project aims to foster innovation and access of rural communities and institutions to new technologies for rural transformation through the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and environmental impacts of the nascent beef industry in Uganda.
The project is being implemented in a consortium of partners and service providers. ACTED remains the lead agency in coordinating the project implementation alongside ATTA, Uganda’s Climate Change Department (CCD) of the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) and four service providers implementing specific components of the project.
One of the main activities of the SIRGE Project is to undertake data collection and accurate measurement of GHG emissions from cattle under rangeland conditions using gender-disaggregated data. To contribute towards the implementation of this activity, ATTA will review and analyse current livestock management practices. In that context ATTA seeks to recruit a consultant to conduct a review of the livestock management practices in Uganda along the value chain with emphasis on the free range ,feedlot and paddocking systems. Therefore the consultant will review available data and documents in collaboration/consulation with Ministries Department and Agencies (MDAs). As such, the consultant will have to interact with the relevant Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies and SIRGE project partners.
The consultancy will be carried out under the supervision of and with input from the current SIRGE implementation team under ATTA . The consultant will, therefore, be expected to maintain regular communication with the team and keep them informed at each stage of the iterative process.
Scope of Work
The consultant will review and analyse existing documents and data available within MDAs and key stakeholders involved in the livestock sector, especially in the livestock (cattle) value chain in relation to livestock management and administration. Document existing information related to livestock populations, breeding, dietary needs, management practices and weight in the technical report indicating data needs/gaps for a comprehensive analysis of the main management practices carried out in the free range, feed lot and paddock systems.The consultant will also categorise livestock collection points, feed and storage facilities basing on existing data.
Working under the supervision of the existing SIRGE team ATTA , the consultant is expected to:
- Review and document livestock management and administration from local to national level.
- Review and analyse existing data about livestock management practices in the feedlot, paddocking and free range systems.
- Categorise livestock collection points, feed and storage facilities in Uganda.
- Cordinate with project team, key stakeholders to assess and collect documents for review
- Support in development of tools to map livestock collection points and feed storage facilities.
- Final products:
- Techinical report on the Livestock management and Administration from local to National
- Technical report about current livestock management practices under feedlot, free-range and paddocking.
- Techinical report characterizing the different livestock collection points, feed and storage facilties.
The final deliverables will be reviewed by ATTA team, which is responsible for providing a final approval.
Consultancy Fee: Based on Consultant proposal and budget available for the consultancy.
Duty Station: Consultant’s base station
- The consultant will undertake the task mainly with in Kampala using his own premises.
- The consultant is expected to use own computer and other equipment required for the task.
Duration of the Work
- The duration of contract shall be for a maximum of eighteen working days (18- days).
- The consultant will work closely with the ATTA Project Team and will from time-time submit and share the progress of activities as agreed.
Qualifications And Experience 0f Consultant
- A suitable candidate should have a minimum of a MSC in Rangeland Management, Veterinary Sciences , Livestock Development, Extension, AE2Egricultural sciences, Rural Development or related fields.
- The successful consultant should have experience in undertaking similar assignments.
- The consultant should be conversant with undertaking comprehensive desk review research with proven analytic skills and knowledge of livestock GHG emission and livestock development Minimum 5 years working experience in rangeland management for livestock production; and Climate change sustainability in similar (and preferably East African) rangeland systems.
How to Apply:
All Interested candidates are requested to submit the following documents:
- Financial and technical proposal including professional and related costs.
- Updated CV’s indicating relevant research experiences
To apply please send your CV:
Deadline: 11th April 2022
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