Consultancy Jobs – TOR for provision of restoration (Tree Planting) services in Kagombe CFR  – The Jane Goodall Institute Uganda (JGI) The Jane Goodall Institute Uganda (JGI)

Consultancy Title:   Terms Of Reference (TOR) for provision of restoration (Tree Planting) services in Kagombe CFR   

Organisation: The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) in Uganda

Duty Station:  Kagadi, Uganda


About US:

The Jane Goodall Institute Uganda, with support from One Tree Planted, is implementing a three-year Wildlife Habitat and Corridor restoration project that is promoting tree planting on both community and NFA reserves in the Albertine region and specifically Hoima District and Kagombe Central Forest Reserve in Kagadi District. The long-term objective of the project is to contribute to the maintenance of ecosystem function (products and services) of catchment forests in the Albertine Rift region of Uganda through large afforestation programs and while doing so restore critical corridors for the endangered chimpanzees. Major activities that the project is implementing are: 1) Restore degraded areas in the community forest corridors in Hoima District; 2) Restore degraded areas in Kagombe Central Forest Reserve; 3) Promote agroforestry practices on community land; and 4) Strengthen Forest monitoring and law enforcement.


The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) in Uganda is inviting qualified companies to make a firm offer for the provision of tree planting services of 400’000 seedlings on a 640 Ha. in Kagombe Central Forest Reserve under the management of National Forestry Authority (NFA) for the period starting April 15, 2022.


Objectives: The objective of this tender is to acquire a professional service provider that will undertake to plant 400’000 trees for restoration of 640 Ha in Kagombe CFR. The contract would cover the provision of tree planting and maintenance services, hereafter referred to as “Restoration of Wildlife Habitat.” The Services shall include, but not limited to: 1) Mobilize communities of Kasoga and Kyaterekera Collaborative Forest Management Associations constituted by NFA to provide casual labor for tree planting; 2) deliver seedlings to planting sites; 3) create transects (with minimal disturbance to the naturally growing trees) for line tree planting; and 4) dig pit holes for seedlings and plant seedlings in accordance to specifications provided by NFA technical staff and provide geo-points and geo-photos for every transect established and planted.


Requirements: The office of the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) in Uganda invites expression of interests/bids from interested, qualified and able contractors for the restoration through tree planting in Kagombe CFR.


Duties and Responsibilities of the contractor: The contractor will have the following responsibilities to accomplish these tasks:

  • The use and maintenance of hand tools and basic light machinery;
  • To be aware of Health and Safety requirements noting that all duties must be carried out to comply with current Health & Safety at Work legislation;
  • To ensure all equipment, machinery is stored securely and clean after use;
  • Plant and transplant seedlings to planting sites;
  • Plant seedlings;
  • Maintain transects by trimming and making sure that plants are receiving adequate water;
  • Prune trees and hedges in ways that help the plants’ health, are safe and good looking; and
  • Good knowledge of forest restoration with indigenous plants and must be planted in an organized way and able to result into a forest and not a plantation.


Prerequisite of the Contractor: The contractor should be Self-motivated, Enthusiastic, Fit, and capable of heavy work. Able to work in all weather conditions.

Education and Experience of the Contractor: The contractor doesn’t need any specific academic credentials to break into this line of work. Generally, we will place more emphasis on the importance of hands-on experience rather than academic qualifications. The contractor should have proven previous experience in similar work, and good knowledge of large-scale tree planting in forest restoration programs is highly desired.

  • The contractor (if company) should have valid registration Certificate.
  • The contractor should provide relevant experience in tree planting and restoration services for the last three (3) years with reference letters from former clients.
  • The contractor should accept fixed price per hectare restored during the proposed contract duration.
  • The contractor should provide a periodic maintenance plan (Schedule) for the area planted.
  • The contractor should recruit casual labor personnel locally specifically from collaborative forest management associations as proposed by NFA management for the tree planting activities in Kagombe CFR.
  • The contractor should provide several experiences if any, with UN Agencies, International Organizations, Embassies and Multinational Corporation, minimum of two references.
  • The contractor should provide a list of technical staff with their CVs dedicated for tree planting.
  • Provide Audit Financial Statement for the last one (1) year from a certified Audit Bureau if bidding as a company. This will not apply to those bidding as individuals.


Evaluation Criteria:

  • The bid evaluation criteria will be based on a (PASS/FAIL) criteria on the specified requirement under paragraph (VI) and the best technical proposal meeting NFA and JGI requirements.
  • Your proposal should consist of two sets of documents, including: 1) Technical offer; and 2) Financial offer.
  • The received proposal will be evaluated in three categories: 1) Compliance with mandatory requirements; 2) Compliance with Technical Evaluation; and 3) Compliance with Financial Evaluation


Procedure for Expression of Interest:

Please submit your expression with a technical and financial proposal not later than April 6, 2022, to the following email address: or deliver hard copies to the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) Uganda Country Office, P. O. Box 462, Victoria Loop, House No. 23c, Lubowa Housing Estate, Kampala Uganda or JGI field office at Plot 17 Government Road, Kijungu, Hoima, Uganda.


Deadline: 6th April 2022


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