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Consultancy Opportunities – TOR for profiling exemplary cultural resources that address Violence Against Women and Girls and promote SRHR and access to justice – Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU)
Consultancy Title: Terms of Reference – profiling exemplary cultural resources that address Violence Against Women and Girls and promote SRHR and access to justice
Organisation: Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU)
Duty Station: Kampala, Uganda
Download TOR, Click Here
Consolidating the use of positive cultural resources to end Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), promote Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and afford women and girls access to justice in Uganda
#CultureForHer Project
Terms of Reference – profiling exemplar cultural resources that address Violence Against Women and Girls and promote SRHR and access to justice
About US:
The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) is a national Non-Government Organisation which promotes an appreciation of culture as vital for human development that responds to our diverse identities. CCFU has three programme areas: heritage safeguarding and promotion, cultural rights promotion and managing diversity.
Under its programme area on promoting cultural rights, CCFU is implementing the Culture for Her project with the aim of consolidating the use of positive cultural resources to end Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), promote Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and afford women and girls access to justice in Uganda. The project is being implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development (MGLSD), UN Women and the cultural institutions of Alur, Acholi, Karamoja, Buganda, Busoga and Tooro.
The current phase of the project builds on recommendations of research conducted under a previous phase, under the theme “Promoting the rights of women and girls in Uganda: Is culture the missing link?” which revealed several positive cultural resources that mitigate VAWG, and promote SRHR and access to justice for women and girls. The project, among others, seeks to pilot interventions for the promotion of these positive cultural practices in addressing VAWG, promoting SRHR and access to justice for women and girls, within the 6 cultural communities of Alur, Acholi, Buganda, Busoga, Karamoja and Tooro.
The project objectives are:
- To strengthen and pilot positive cultural practices, values and principles (such as working with obuntubulamu in Buganda and Busoga, kura matira in Alur, and kit matir in Acholi) that can be used to address VAWG, SRHR and access to justice in Alur, Acholi, Karamoja, Buganda, Busoga and Tooro
- To facilitate the process of devising community-driven strategies to transform persistent practices in the selected cultural contexts which are considered harmful to women’s and girls’ wellbeing, into more acceptable practices by discarding their negative components and maintaining their positive value.
- To enhance the capacity of state and non-state actors to promote positive cultural values and practices, and modify those that are perceived as harmful.
The Foundation conducted a baseline study to ascertain the prevalence and levels of utilization of the different exemplar cultural practices by both the community members and other stakeholders (such as local government officials, religious leaders, etc.) with a view of strengthening them to contribute to ending violence against women and girls, promoting SRHR and access to justice for women and girls.
It is against this background that CCFU is seeking the services of a consultant to profile and document the utilisation of obuntubulamu in Buganda as an exemplar cultural resource that can be used to address VAWG and how it can be strengthened to mitigate VAWG in the community. The consultant will be availed with the findings from the earlier research project, and the results of the baseline study.
The Assignment:
The consultant will be tasked to profile the nature, prevalence and utilization of obuntubulamu as an exemplar cultural resource in mitigating VAWG and promoting SRHR and access to justice for girls and women in Buganda.
Key Deliverables and Timelines, Download TOR
Qualifications and Competencies:
The consultants should hold the following competencies:
- Demonstrated relevant research/work experience in the fields of human rights, cultural heritage, gender and social work.
- Demonstrated understanding and appreciation of cultural rights, and related issues
- Demonstrated experience of producing high-quality, credible, and learning-focused documentation pieces
How to Apply:
All interested consultants should send a cover letter, expression of interest, and a max. 3-page C.V. with two references, prior assignments (links and/or hard copies), and a narrative and financial proposal to CCFU via the following e-mail address:
NB: Applications not following these guidelines will not be considered. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
Deadline: Friday 17th December, 2021 by 23:59Hrs.
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