Job Title: Program Manager Organisation: LifeNet International Duty Station:…
Consultancy Jobs – Rapid Assessment of Goat Breeds in pastoral and agro-pastoral areas of Karamoja – Farm Africa
Organization: Farm
Project Name:
Livestock for Livelihoods (UK AID Direct) Project
Livestock for Livelihoods (UK AID Direct) Project
Duty Station:
Kotido: Nakapelimoru,
Panyangara, Rengen and Kotido sub-county.
Panyangara, Rengen and Kotido sub-county.
Napak: Ngoleriet,
Lokopo, Lotome and Lopeei.
Lokopo, Lotome and Lopeei.
Moroto: Tapac,
Rupa, Nadunget and Katikekile.
Rupa, Nadunget and Katikekile.
Nakapiripirit: Namalu and Moruita
About US:
Farm Africa is an
innovative charity that reduces poverty in rural eastern Africa by helping farmers
grow more, sell more and sell for more: we help farmers to not only boost
yields, but also gain access to markets, and add value to their produce. We place a high priority on environmental
sustainability and develop approaches that help farmers to improve their yields
and incomes without degrading their natural resources. Our programmes vary
hugely, ranging from helping crops farmers to boost harvests, livestock keepers
to improve animal health, and forest coffee growers to reach export markets, but
core to all of them is a focus on the financial sustainability of the farmers’
businesses and environmental sustainability.
innovative charity that reduces poverty in rural eastern Africa by helping farmers
grow more, sell more and sell for more: we help farmers to not only boost
yields, but also gain access to markets, and add value to their produce. We place a high priority on environmental
sustainability and develop approaches that help farmers to improve their yields
and incomes without degrading their natural resources. Our programmes vary
hugely, ranging from helping crops farmers to boost harvests, livestock keepers
to improve animal health, and forest coffee growers to reach export markets, but
core to all of them is a focus on the financial sustainability of the farmers’
businesses and environmental sustainability.
About the Project:
Farm Africa’s
Livestock for Livelihoods (L4L) project, funded by DFID is currently being
implemented in pastoral areas of Uganda and Ethiopia (2018 – 2022). Pastoralist
and agro-pastoralist in these areas suffer from high rates of poverty and
malnutrition. Women are particularly badly affected due to their low status and
associated lack of decision making power and access to resources. A key role
and source of income for women in pastoralist systems is managing small
livestock. L4L project aims to increase household incomes and reduce household
malnutrition through capacity building, community-led NRM; establishment of
market systems for vet and breeding services; VSLA establishment, product value
addition and marketing as well as nutrition awareness-raising. The project will
establish 400 local women’s livestock groups and improve their access to
livestock assets by means of a revolving goat fund supporting in-kind transfer
of goats between most vulnerable households. The project will also pilot
different approaches to local breed improvement including community managed
buck rearing stations and private breeders to provide a supply of improved
bucks to the community for cross breeding.
Livestock for Livelihoods (L4L) project, funded by DFID is currently being
implemented in pastoral areas of Uganda and Ethiopia (2018 – 2022). Pastoralist
and agro-pastoralist in these areas suffer from high rates of poverty and
malnutrition. Women are particularly badly affected due to their low status and
associated lack of decision making power and access to resources. A key role
and source of income for women in pastoralist systems is managing small
livestock. L4L project aims to increase household incomes and reduce household
malnutrition through capacity building, community-led NRM; establishment of
market systems for vet and breeding services; VSLA establishment, product value
addition and marketing as well as nutrition awareness-raising. The project will
establish 400 local women’s livestock groups and improve their access to
livestock assets by means of a revolving goat fund supporting in-kind transfer
of goats between most vulnerable households. The project will also pilot
different approaches to local breed improvement including community managed
buck rearing stations and private breeders to provide a supply of improved
bucks to the community for cross breeding.
In order to roll-out
the breeding improvement component of the project, Farm Africa is seeking to
further conduct a rapid assessment to identify suitable higher milk producing
goat breeds in Uganda that can adapt to the dry and hot climate in Karamoja.
This project is implemented in the following four districts of Karamoja;
(Moroto, Kotido, Napak and Nakapirpirit – a list of target sub counties can be
found in Annex 1)
the breeding improvement component of the project, Farm Africa is seeking to
further conduct a rapid assessment to identify suitable higher milk producing
goat breeds in Uganda that can adapt to the dry and hot climate in Karamoja.
This project is implemented in the following four districts of Karamoja;
(Moroto, Kotido, Napak and Nakapirpirit – a list of target sub counties can be
found in Annex 1)
Project Outputs
women livestock herders in pastoralist communities increase production of goats
and goat products
women livestock herders in pastoralist communities increase production of goats
and goat products
pastoralists and agro-pastoralist access improved livestock services and
veterinary drug supply
pastoralists and agro-pastoralist access improved livestock services and
veterinary drug supply
women in pastoralist communities have improved opportunities for livestock
sales, income generation and values addition
women in pastoralist communities have improved opportunities for livestock
sales, income generation and values addition
households in pastoralist communities with improved dietary diversity
households in pastoralist communities with improved dietary diversity
and dissemination of project learning
and dissemination of project learning
Assignment Objectives: The principal purpose of this assessment is to identify suitable improved
goat breeds that can adapt well in pastoral production systems that are fast
growing with good milk production and recommend suitable goat breed improvement
model that can work in extensive livestock production system. The following are the objectives of this
rapid assessment;
goat breeds that can adapt well in pastoral production systems that are fast
growing with good milk production and recommend suitable goat breed improvement
model that can work in extensive livestock production system. The following are the objectives of this
rapid assessment;
Assess the local
goat breeds in the project area (see Annex 1 for target sub counties) and in
Uganda in general and identify improved breeds that are fast growing and with
good milk production potential that can be crossed with the local breeds in
Karamoja to increase milk production and other productivity indices;
goat breeds in the project area (see Annex 1 for target sub counties) and in
Uganda in general and identify improved breeds that are fast growing and with
good milk production potential that can be crossed with the local breeds in
Karamoja to increase milk production and other productivity indices;
Specifically, the
assignment should assess the breeds against the following;
assignment should assess the breeds against the following;
to the hot temperatures and harsh climate in pastoral area
to the hot temperatures and harsh climate in pastoral area
of the feed resources available for the selected breed
of the feed resources available for the selected breed
of the resource poor pastoralists to manage the selected breed
of the resource poor pastoralists to manage the selected breed
of the selected breed to perform well under an extensive system of production
in pastoral systems
of the selected breed to perform well under an extensive system of production
in pastoral systems
of a market for the offspring
of a market for the offspring
of the selected breed by the community
of the selected breed by the community
indices (especially milk production, birthing rates and growth rates) compared
to the local breeds
indices (especially milk production, birthing rates and growth rates) compared
to the local breeds
Review reports of
similar interventions and conduct interviews with government and civil society
organizations that have implemented similar projects’ Karamoja and generate
learnings for the project.
similar interventions and conduct interviews with government and civil society
organizations that have implemented similar projects’ Karamoja and generate
learnings for the project.
Then generate a
report with recommendations of;
report with recommendations of;
improved goat breeds options with information on where they can be sourced plus
improved goat breeds options with information on where they can be sourced plus
improvement model that the project can apply to successfully implement the
breed improvement in an extensive system of livestock production
improvement model that the project can apply to successfully implement the
breed improvement in an extensive system of livestock production
learnings from previous similar projects in the area.
learnings from previous similar projects in the area.
Approaches and Methodology
The methodology
should have strong focus on application of participatory approaches and proven
methodology that fits well in the context of local communities and
stakeholders. It is envisaged that the methodology used during this assessment
will include, but not necessarily limited to the following:
should have strong focus on application of participatory approaches and proven
methodology that fits well in the context of local communities and
stakeholders. It is envisaged that the methodology used during this assessment
will include, but not necessarily limited to the following:
of project design document and other existing secondary information and reports
relevant to the assignment
of project design document and other existing secondary information and reports
relevant to the assignment
with technical government departments (Veterinary, Livestock, NAADs etc) and
NGOs who have introduced improved goat breeds in Karamoja to get their
experiences and learnings (What worked, what did not work and why?)
with technical government departments (Veterinary, Livestock, NAADs etc) and
NGOs who have introduced improved goat breeds in Karamoja to get their
experiences and learnings (What worked, what did not work and why?)
visits in the implementation areas understand the environmental context
including assessing the local goat breeds, feed resources, and community’s goat
husbandry practices.
visits in the implementation areas understand the environmental context
including assessing the local goat breeds, feed resources, and community’s goat
husbandry practices.
level participatory meetings and focused group discussions to get their
perceptions on introduction of new breeds, revolving goat scheme, payment for
breeding services, husbandry practices
level participatory meetings and focused group discussions to get their
perceptions on introduction of new breeds, revolving goat scheme, payment for
breeding services, husbandry practices
emphasis should be given to ensure participation of women in the process to
because the revolving goat fund is targeting the women livestock herders.
emphasis should be given to ensure participation of women in the process to
because the revolving goat fund is targeting the women livestock herders.
analysis and verification of analysed data/information to generate a report.
analysis and verification of analysed data/information to generate a report.
Expected Deliverables and Timelines
All written
documentation is to be submitted in English using Microsoft Word in soft copy.
The main body of all reports should be written in simple, non-technical
language, with any technical material to be presented in annexes. All primary
data information collected and analysis conducted for the purpose of the study
will remain the property of Farm Africa and must be submitted electronically
and in hard copy. The consultant is expected to take a total of 20 working days
to deliver final report to Farm Africa
documentation is to be submitted in English using Microsoft Word in soft copy.
The main body of all reports should be written in simple, non-technical
language, with any technical material to be presented in annexes. All primary
data information collected and analysis conducted for the purpose of the study
will remain the property of Farm Africa and must be submitted electronically
and in hard copy. The consultant is expected to take a total of 20 working days
to deliver final report to Farm Africa
The following
deliverables are expected from the consultant.
deliverables are expected from the consultant.
1. An inception report – Detailing how
the consultant plans to undertake the assignment. The inception report shall be
submitted three days after commencing the consultancy incorporating the
following; the consultant’s understanding and interpretation of the Terms of
Reference (ToR); Methodology; Work plan including structuring of study, review
of documents; data collection approach and tools and analysis plan; Budget
forecast. The inception report will be discussed and agreed upon with Farm
Africa project team before the consultant commences the work.
the consultant plans to undertake the assignment. The inception report shall be
submitted three days after commencing the consultancy incorporating the
following; the consultant’s understanding and interpretation of the Terms of
Reference (ToR); Methodology; Work plan including structuring of study, review
of documents; data collection approach and tools and analysis plan; Budget
forecast. The inception report will be discussed and agreed upon with Farm
Africa project team before the consultant commences the work.
2. A comprehensive draft – the consultant
will submit a draft report to Farm Africa and other stakeholders within 12
working days from the approval of the inception report for review
will submit a draft report to Farm Africa and other stakeholders within 12
working days from the approval of the inception report for review
3. Final report – the consultant will
submit a final report (25 pages maximum) to Farm Africa within three working
days of receiving feedback on the draft report. The content and structure of
the final report shall include but not necessarily limited to executive
summary, introduction, methodology, findings and recommendations on the
submit a final report (25 pages maximum) to Farm Africa within three working
days of receiving feedback on the draft report. The content and structure of
the final report shall include but not necessarily limited to executive
summary, introduction, methodology, findings and recommendations on the
• Summary of the different climate and
fodder zones in the project implementation area
fodder zones in the project implementation area
• Suitability of different improved
goat breeds options for the different climate and fodder zones within the
project implementation area, with information on where they can be sourced
goat breeds options for the different climate and fodder zones within the
project implementation area, with information on where they can be sourced
• Breed improvement model that the
project can apply to successfully implement the breed improvement in an
extensive system of livestock production
project can apply to successfully implement the breed improvement in an
extensive system of livestock production
• Key learnings from previous and
current similar projects in the area.
current similar projects in the area.
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
Responsibility of the consultant
and submit an inception report to farm Africa as per the guidelines above
and submit an inception report to farm Africa as per the guidelines above
assessment tools, to potentially include guidance notes for focus group
discussions and key informant interviews as part of the inception phase.
assessment tools, to potentially include guidance notes for focus group
discussions and key informant interviews as part of the inception phase.
primary and secondary data/information collection through participatory
primary and secondary data/information collection through participatory
and interpret the information and thereafter prepare a draft report and share
with Farm Africa and the key stakeholders for review
and interpret the information and thereafter prepare a draft report and share
with Farm Africa and the key stakeholders for review
any gaps in the draft report with Farm Africa and come up with ways of filling
the gaps if any
any gaps in the draft report with Farm Africa and come up with ways of filling
the gaps if any
the final assessment report and share the soft and hard copies with Farm Africa
the final assessment report and share the soft and hard copies with Farm Africa
the data collected both in hard-copy and the soft copy (databases).
the data collected both in hard-copy and the soft copy (databases).
addition to the deliverables listed above, the consultant(s) will meet cost of
any field work to support the assessment .
addition to the deliverables listed above, the consultant(s) will meet cost of
any field work to support the assessment
Responsibility of Farm Africa.
The consultant will
report directly to the Senior Livestock Officer, Farm Africa (L4L) Project.
However, s/he will also be expected to work closely with the Project
Coordinator and Livestock Officer.
report directly to the Senior Livestock Officer, Farm Africa (L4L) Project.
However, s/he will also be expected to work closely with the Project
Coordinator and Livestock Officer.
the consultant’s inception report including the methodology and the study tools
the consultant’s inception report including the methodology and the study tools
any information that may be required by the consultant during implementation of
the task
any information that may be required by the consultant during implementation of
the task
in decision making per consultant tasks above and be available for consultation
as needed
in decision making per consultant tasks above and be available for consultation
as needed
draft report and provide comments.
draft report and provide comments.
Farm Africa evaluation processes.
Farm Africa will
solicit and score technical and financial proposals consultants who have had
experience carrying out similar assignments. The evaluation committee will
consist of at least three project team members who will evaluate bids against
the following criteria:
solicit and score technical and financial proposals consultants who have had
experience carrying out similar assignments. The evaluation committee will
consist of at least three project team members who will evaluate bids against
the following criteria:
The technical
proposal will be assessed against the following criteria:
proposal will be assessed against the following criteria:
1. How well the consultancy team meets
the required qualifications and competencies detailed in section 7 of the ToR –
the required qualifications and competencies detailed in section 7 of the ToR –
2. The technical proposal detailing your
interpretation of the TOR including report structure, proposed methodology,
and work schedule, – 35
interpretation of the TOR including report structure, proposed methodology,
and work schedule, – 35
3. sample of report for a similar
assignment (this will be treated as confidential and only used for the purposes
of quality assurance); – 10
assignment (this will be treated as confidential and only used for the purposes
of quality assurance); – 10
A full financial
proposal, providing a detailed budget breakdown for the goat breed study – 30
proposal, providing a detailed budget breakdown for the goat breed study – 30
Once the financial
proposals have been assessed the technical and financial scores will be
combined into a final score in accordance with the following weights:
proposals have been assessed the technical and financial scores will be
combined into a final score in accordance with the following weights:
a. Technical Score (70%)
b. Financial Score (30%)
Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
The applicant for
this Consultancy must be livestock production, animal scientist, or veterinary
professional with experience working in pastoral livestock production systems.
Particularly, he or she should have the following essential qualifications and
this Consultancy must be livestock production, animal scientist, or veterinary
professional with experience working in pastoral livestock production systems.
Particularly, he or she should have the following essential qualifications and
in carrying out similar assignments with a focus on livelihoods-related
in carrying out similar assignments with a focus on livelihoods-related
Demonstrable practical experience in using qualitative and
quantitative research techniques
Demonstrable practical experience in using qualitative and
quantitative research techniques
analytical, facilitation and communication skills
analytical, facilitation and communication skills
reporting and presentation skills
reporting and presentation skills
in spoken and written English
in spoken and written English
applicant must hold a Master’s degree or PhD in Agriculture, Veterinary, Animal
Science, Livestock productions systems or related subject
applicant must hold a Master’s degree or PhD in Agriculture, Veterinary, Animal
Science, Livestock productions systems or related subject
of the goat production systems Uganda and in particular in the Karamoja sub
of the goat production systems Uganda and in particular in the Karamoja sub
Right to
work in Uganda
Right to
work in Uganda
working with in animal research.
working with in animal research.
How to Apply:
evaluators or firms are requested to submit:
evaluators or firms are requested to submit:
covering letter detailing how the consultancy team meets the required
qualifications and competencies
covering letter detailing how the consultancy team meets the required
qualifications and competencies
A full
technical proposal detailing their interpretation of the TOR including report
structure, proposed methodology, and work schedule,
A full
technical proposal detailing their interpretation of the TOR including report
structure, proposed methodology, and work schedule,
of all relevant Curriculum Vitae (CVs).
of all relevant Curriculum Vitae (CVs).
A sample
of report for a similar assignment (this will be treated as confidential and
only used for the purposes of quality assurance)
A sample
of report for a similar assignment (this will be treated as confidential and
only used for the purposes of quality assurance)
details for two references (including one from your last client/employer).
details for two references (including one from your last client/employer).
A full
financial proposal, providing a detailed budget breakdown of consultancy costs
and expenses. Please note consultancy costs will be subject to WHT.
A full
financial proposal, providing a detailed budget breakdown of consultancy costs
and expenses. Please note consultancy costs will be subject to WHT.
All documents must
be submitted by email to our ‘sealed’ email address The
email subject line should clearly indicate ‘L4L rapid assessment of goat
breeds. Failure to include any of the above information will result in
disqualification from the selection process.
be submitted by email to our ‘sealed’ email address The
email subject line should clearly indicate ‘L4L rapid assessment of goat
breeds. Failure to include any of the above information will result in
disqualification from the selection process.
Deadline: 28th September 2018
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