USAID Project Jobs – Media Specialist at International Development Law Organization (IDLO)

Job Title: Media Specialist
Organisation: International
Development Law Organization (IDLO) 
Duty Station: Kampala,
About IDLO:
The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) works  to 
enable  governments  and empower people to reform laws and
strengthen institutions to promote peace, justice, and sustainable development.
IDLO is an intergovernmental organization that promotes justice, peace and
development by providing legal expertise to governments, multilateral and civil
society organizations. It seeks to enhance human rights, economic growth and
good governance through technical assistance on judicial and legal reform,
capacity-building and legal empowerment programs and projects.
Bringing together a range of diverse local, national and international
stakeholders and working in an enabling rather than directive or prescriptive
way, IDLO acts as a catalyst for social change. It prides itself on its
flexibility, speed and entrepreneurial spirit.
While IDLO works in all developing regions of the world, it has
significant operations in countries emerging from conflict. IDLO is the only
intergovernmental organization with an exclusive mandate to promote the rule of
law. It currently has 27 Member Parties and benefits from the collective wisdom
of a prestigious International Advisory Council. 
For more information about us, Please visit our website or
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About Project:
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Uganda
is seeking applications to  fund  a 
5-year  USAID/Uganda  Rights 
and  Rule  of 
Law  Project,  and 
has  issued  a 
request  for  applications (RFA). The RFA two-phased
process, with submission of concept papers due on 23 August 2013, and full
applications, on invitation only, due on 22 October 2013. IDLO believes that
it’s rule of law and human rights expertise make it a competitive candidate and
will respond to this RFA.
Consistent with key USAID policy directives that elevate human rights,
and recognize the relationship between human rights and development, the Rights
and Rule of Law Project will employ a rights-based approach.  The rights-based approach aims at
strengthening the capacity of duty bearers and empowers rights holders to
achieve a positive transformation of power relations.
To that end, the activity will empower people to demand and assert their
rights, and help increase the capacity of duty bearers to provide rights. While
duty bearers are accountable for respecting, protecting, and fulfilling human
rights, rights holders need to promote and defend their freedoms.
Such action helps keep governments accountable, and should have the
effect of integrating democracy goals into the socio-economic sectors. 
The overarching Rights and Rule of Law Project goal is: democratic and
governance systems are strengthened and made more accountable. The Rights and
Rule of Law Project aims to support institutions, groups or processes to
protect and promote freedoms, with a view to strengthening rule of law and
enhancing accountability and transparency. Expected project outcomes include three
technical or sectoral outcomes, and one organizational capacity development
1. Judicial Strengthening: A transparent and independent
judiciary upholds human rights and rule of law (component 1).
2. Civil Society and Advocacy: Citizens advocate for and claim
their rights (component 2).
3. Media Engagement: The media reports on human rights in an
accurate and timely manner (component 3).
4. Organizational Capacity Development: Selected partner
organizations demonstrate capacity to manage programs in a transparent and
efficient manner (component 4).
The Rights and Rule of Law Project will focus activities at the
national level with targeted, strategic interventions at the sub-national level
in line with USAID/Uganda’s geographic policy.
Job Summary: The Media Specialist
will be responsible for the implementation of component 3, including
implementing capacity building activities; supporting media networking on human
rights; and exploring the role of social media in promoting human rights.   
Qualifications, Skills and
  • The candidate should be a Master’s degree
    in journalism, mass media, or in a related social science discipline is
    highly preferred.
  •  Four
    or more years experience in media advocacy and engagement on rule of law
    and rights matters. 
  • At least three years of technical
    experience in dealing with multiple stakeholders including the media,
    judiciary, CSOs, and adjudication institutions in a developing
  • Proven experience in media in Uganda.
  • Experience in mentoring, coaching and
    skills transfer.
  • Experience in developing activity
    work-plans, budgets, managing implementation, staff and short-term
    technical assistance.
  • Excellent representational and
    communication skills, written and oral proficiency in English.
  • Excellent past performance references.
How to Apply:
If interested in working with IDLO, Please visit the IDLO’s employment
website below for details on How to Apply

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